About The Nyonblee Cares Foundation

The Nyonblee Cares Foundation is a registered, non-governmental, non-profit charitable organization established to improve the socio-economic welfare of marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable citizens of Liberia.

The Nyonblee Cares Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable health, educational and economic empowerment purposes of marginalized and vulnerable women, youth, children, the elderly and people with disabilities, including the provision of assistance to organizations, institutions and individuals. It will seek funding (grants, donations, etc.) from institutions, organizations and individuals to finance and support its activities.


  1. To improve the health conditions of people suffering from diseases in rural communities by providing preventive health care, health education and by constructing and equipping mid-wife centers through The Nyonblee Cares Foundation mobile clinic programs.

  2. To promote quality and sustainable education in Liberia by providing resources through established resource centers, including library and Internet service centers. In addition, to create and implement a standardized elementary program for elementary schools.

  3. To provide educational scholarship and financial help to poor and disadvantaged people for their overall development through the Rev. Dr. Abba G. Karnga Education Scholarship Program.

  4. To work for the uplifting of womens’ status in the society by providing opportunities for women and girls empowerment through the provision of employable skill trainings, micro-finance loan, and the construction of market buildings and meeting halls, especially in rural communities.

  5. To generate citizens’ interest in the provision of community service, increase community access to safe drinking water and sanitation, and promote improved hygiene practices.

  6. To assist the elderly, disabled, vulnerable and abandoned children by providing shelter and facilities, and subsidy for their welfare.

  7. To organize forums, seminars, camps etc. for the spreading of good living habits, moral values, and methods of developing self-confidence, etc.

  8. To create awareness of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV/AIDS, etc., and to educate young people against teenage pregnancy, drugs and alcohol abuse.

Working together, we can accomplish more! Please Donate Now!